Want To Step Up Your Friends With Benefits Frequency? You Need To Read This First!

Being Friends with benefits can either be a bad idea or a good idea which entirely depends on you and the person you are involved with.

It is a trend slowly but surely catching up with time and becoming a norm of modern society.

So what exactly is Friends with Benefits?

FWB or friends with benefits is the term reserved for friendships between two individuals who partake in intimate sexual activities without bringing emotional attachment, commitment and related nuances of a ‘relationship’ into the proverbial equation.

The many benefits of having Friends with Benefits

The many benefits of having friends with benefits are enunciated below –

It is way safer to be in the arms of a friend (with benefits)

It is best to accept that humans are highly fond of having sex. If that was not the case, then how come the Earth is on the brink of running out of space!?

Feeling the need to get down and dirty is a natural urge. But at the same time, it is also best to address that people these days seldom have the time to take care of their needs. Let alone nurture a relationship. Moreover, the cost of living is rising exponentially, whereas the pay scales are not updated periodically. Hence, people must put a lot of time and effort into earning money. Thus, they are left with little to no time.

Therefore, getting into a relationship is risky, and people these days tend to shun a commitment.

But at the same time, people need sex. So what is the solution to this problem? Well, one can always fall into the arms of their closest buddy and get down and dirty!

What about one-night stands!? Won’t that be a better solution to douse the flames of desire?
Well, it can be a good solution, but it is also best to remember that falling into the arms of a person one knows inside and out is way better (and safer) than falling into the arms of a stranger!

Think about it!

Friends with Benefits arrangements are convenient – to be honest!

Getting it on with a friend is a matter of convenience. Sure, one can secure a date via social media portals, a mutual friend, or a dating app, but it all takes a lot of time.
Then one would have to pretend to be someone they are not to impress their date and hope that they are okay (and comfortable) with showing the secret way to their bedroom!

One can put all of the above hassles at bay and hook up with a like-minded friend – the person who knows all there is to know; the person who is already impressed and has the interest and energy to spend time together.

FWB offers freedom relationships cannot!

Having a single sexual partner is a dated concept. People tend to have multiple sexual partners before settling for one (if ever).

People in an FWB arrangement have the freedom to date multiple individuals. Furthermore, an FWB arrangement acts like a security deposit meant for booty calls when every option turns out to be a dead end.

As mentioned in the previous section, an FWB arrangement lets people satiate their physical (and emotional) needs without worrying about handling heavy emotional baggage, period!

Rules to make the most out of an Friends with Benefits relationship

If anyone wants to step up their FWB frequencies with their buddy, then they would need to follow the rules mentioned below –

Always proceed after seeking full consent.

It is best to remember that consent should be there before one proceeds to get down and dirty with their friend (with benefits).

An explicit consent consisting of a nod or verbal affirmation is essential. If that is not the case and one takes advantage of a person without seeking approval (especially if the person is intoxicated), then its sex without consent!

And it goes without stating that unconsensual sex is a heinous act.

Furthermore, consent doesn’t have to be limited to sexual acts. One should also seek consent when they want to take their FWB partner to a social event or even on a short trip. Doing things together is only fun when both parties agree to the act. It is as simple as that!

Using protection is the way of the wise.

An Friends with Benefits arrangement can quickly come crashing down if one comes down with an STI or gets diagnosed with an STD. However, both sexually transmitted and sexually transmitted diseases can be kept at bay if both parties in an FWB arrangement take it upon themselves to practice safe sex.

If the male in the arrangement forgot his pack of condoms, then the other FWB should have a pack in case. Similarly, both parties in an FWB arrangement should ensure that they are protected when hooking up with strangers. On top of this, it is also best to proactively ensure that both parties in an FWB arrangement visit their doctors to ensure they are not carriers of STIs and STDs.

It is best to keep jealousy out of the proverbial equation.

The concept of a friend with benefits stands strong only when the arrangement is free from jealousy.

Jealousy is like amber to a stack of dry leaves! It is a negative emotion that can consume healthy relationships, bonds and even fun arrangements like an FWB.

Hence, one should keep jealousy out of the mix to keep drama, heartache, and arguments at bay. Furthermore, one should encourage their friend with benefits to hook up with anyone they want, but at the same time, they should be reminded that they have a safe place to fall back on if things don’t work out.

That is the beauty of an FWB arrangement.


Being FWB with someone has many upsides, but one has to be vigilant and follow the tips mentioned above for the best outcomes. It is best to consult your potential friend with benefits before entering an FWB relationship.